Definition of an Emotional Trauma

What comes to mind when you hear the term, Emotional Trauma? Is this something you've ever heard or is it something you dare not even think about?
I ask because I want you to have a clear definition of this term so it can provide you with insight into your current state of mind, which has ultimately affected your current state of being but, can also give you a possible starting point in to rectifying your emotional state which as the latter, can ultimately affect your future state of being from the one you are experiencing right now!
So essentially, I want to describe what an emotional trauma is on a molecular (Spiritual) level and explain how it can affect your Life on the physical level.
An emotional trauma is any event that usually takes an individual by surprise, can often times be violent in nature, may not have any violent elements to it at all, but is an event that is in direct contrast to the constructs of a person's mind. It is a thought (state of being) shattering event that the individual was not emotionally prepared to handle.
Emotional traumas almost always affect people in a negative way when they lack the emotional maturity to handle them and/or do not have a proper support system in place to help them resolve the experience in a healthy way. And yes, children are more prone to these spiritual assaults as they have not yet developed a psyche emotionally rooted in wisdom (and I do not mean physical logic, I mean spiritual wisdom) to look on a matter in a much deeper way and pull the intended messages Life is training us on.
In my personal opinion, children shouldn't even be experiencing the kinds of upsets they are experiencing in Life because of how pure they are, but when you get a world full of hurting people, your bound to have a world full of hurting children!
So what are some of the affects of an ET?
One of the major off-sets of an emotional trauma is what I think of as a type of shrinking effect. It is a cowering of sorts that begins to happen within a person's being, right from the very start of the incident. If the violated one is not aware, then a detachment from the very nature for which they are created begins to happen and often times goes undetected wreaking havoc for years. It is often times described by those who are aware as having "lost" themself.
Whether you believe it or not, there are sinister forces that you can and cannot see, operating within your space and their only job is for you to be in agreement with them about you in order to manifest mayhem in the Earth. Their only job is to strip away any belief system that is in direct opposition to that of their own and they do it through influencing the psyche.
Signs of this are:
• An inability to make sound decisions.
• Believing you are not worthy of the good that Life has to offer.
• Experiencing negative cyclic events in your relationships, personal and business.
• falling under the dependent influence of drugs/alcohol.
• Destructive behavior that contributes to the downfall of family and society
• and many other characteristics.
Another off-set of an Emotional Trauma is often times a deep seated fear of just about everything and once that trauma is established and in full effect, a belief system based in unbridled fear will overcome and paralyze you.
An individual will begin to experience hardly any movement in their lives, and with this I mean the flow of energy in to and out of their lives. To expound on this notion, I will use myself as an example.
My trauma did this exact same thing to me and at one point I wasn't able to make anything happen because I was paralyzed with this exact same fear and nothing good hardly ever came. But the killer part of it all was that when it did come I didn't even possess the mental maturity to see it for what it was, let alone hold on to it and build on it. So I let fear keep me from materializing the opposite of what I really wanted for myself.
This went on for years until it reached a point where these kinds of negative events kept happening non stop and produced a spiraling effect in my Life for over 11 years.
It was at this point that the only thing I could do was go within myself and ask myself some really hard questions. I began to revisit the things that hurt me and look at them from a different angle. But it was at this point that I started asking myself, 'how did I let it come to this?' It wasn't pretty, no it wasn't pretty at all. There were a lot of snot nosed moments but I knew that if I wanted more in and for my Life, I would have to dig deep and face ALL of my demons, not some but all of them, and I did, and I am a much happier and peaceful person for it!
So what are you going to do?
So my question here in is, what are you going to do about the rest of your Life? Are you going to continue on the path you are currently on, or are you willing to pick yourself up by the boot straps, go within, quiet your mind, and face every injustice you've done to yourself because of the injustice someone else has done to you? Because I'll tell you what, you can either carry on as usual but that comes with a hefty price. When we don't allow ourselves to let Life teach us, The lessons get harder and louder by way of your circumstances but if you make the decision today, that you are going to break up with the idiosyncrasies you've been having an affair with for all this time, you will immediately create a shift within your being that will resonate in the world around you.
To your well-being!